How to use Guest Posting to improve your SEO

guest posting

19 May 2022, by

Guest posting probably is the fastest way to become famous. Write original articles according to your topics and aesthetics. Create collaborations with people in your industry. Improve your SEO and your site’s traffic. 

Yes, you can achieve all this with Guest Posting. 

Let’s see it all in detail.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest Posting is the content writing for another blog or website. Usually, especially if you are doing it for SEO purposes, that means writing valuable content for a blog or a website in your field. The main benefits are:

  • attracting traffic to your website
  • strengthening the website authority
  • raising the reliability and the awareness of your brand
  • building relations with others in your field

Guest Posting has mutual benefits for both the guest author and the website that hosts the content. In other words, Guest Posting is a two-way street – so when you decide to start, you should consider hosting guest authors on your website.

How does Guest Posting benefit SEO?

The main Guest Posting advantage concerning SEO is the increase of website authority. To understand how it benefits your website, we should first clarify the meaning of Authority. A high-authority website is a website that Google considers reliable and is an authority in its industry. Websites with higher authority are more likely to rank higher on Google than similar sites.

The most crucial factor regarding authority is the backlinks, meaning the links from other websites to yours. If another website links to yours, Google sees that as a trust vote. For another website to be willing to send its audience to your website, you are probably doing something good. The higher a website authority, the more “power” you gain from a link to your website. Of course, the more links to your website, the more will be your website authority. 

So, developing a Guest Posting strategy that improves SEO requires original, useful, and relevant content for the readers’ education – not low-quality content used only for links to your website. Provided that your content is high quality, Guest Posting is an effective way to rank your website higher in Google results. When people leave comments, share, or connect with your blog, that is translated to positive messages for the Google algorithm, meaning that your content is valuable. Thus, it is much more likely to appear first when someone googles a similar topic.

Other great benefits of Guest Posting are reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness which both help with your SEO indirectly. By reaching another blog’s audience, you introduce yourself to an already established community, ready to hear what you have to say. If you add value to their reading experience, then it is likely to visit your blog to check the rest of your content.

The effect of click-throughs to your site from the link in the article is valuable. The more people refer to your website, the more people will search for it on the internet, share your content, or spend time on your website. These actions send positive messages to Google that greatly benefit the overall SEO of your website.

How can I start with Guest Posting?

First, you have to find the blog that will host your posts. Make sure that is clear what you want to gain from the guest posting experience. Search for non-competitive blogs where you could share real information with readers and the readers will be relevant to your business.

Some websites list active blogs suitable for guest posting. However, the links may be unreliable. Moreover, you may not have the hosting quality you expect. A Google search is the most obvious thing to try. Just type in “the best blogs for [your industry]” and look at the results. Focus on finding people in your field in the market, with a relevant background, or from a reputable company.

Here there are some things you have to consider before you select a blog for guest posting:

  • Does this blog have a lot of active followers that post comments, share blogs with their networks, or use other ways of interacting?
  • Do they have a Facebook or Twitter account where they regularly share their blog posts?
  • Do they have a high domain authority that would improve your SEO ranking? (You can check the domain authority using tools such as
  • Are their field and know-how complementary to yours?

Moreover, another piece of advice before selecting a blog for posting is to search for a keyword relevant to the field + “guest posting”, “write for us” or something similar. For example, if you want to write about inbound marketing, you could google:

  • Inbound marketing guest post 
  • Inbound marketing article hosting
  • Inbound marketing guest post instructions
  • Inbound marketing write for us

… and so on. It will help you find industry-relevant blogs interested in the topic you are writing about and are currently receiving guest authors. Then all you have to do is contact them and get started!

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