5 simple tips to wow your customers daily

30 August 2019, by

As a business owner, you know the kind of effort and hard work it takes to keep your company running successfully, day in and day out. Your customers are your priority and their satisfaction is imperative. Building brand loyalty is a great way to ensure that your customers turn into loyalists, 60% of whom will recommend your company and products to their family and friends. This type of organic, word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable to any business. Here are a few things you can do to keep your customers happy.

1. Be easily accessible

Make it easy for customers, and even for prospective customers to reach you. Staying in touch with your customers is a great way to not only keep them happy but also get direct feedback on how to improve your services.

There is a lot of data about your website that you can analyze in order to better your offerings. Listening to customers will notify you of the issues that can be resolved, or added services that can be considered. It could even create a new revenue stream if enough customers have indicated a certain need or requirement.

Be easily accessible (Infographic)

2. Speak your customer’s language

Customers want answers. As a business owner, the technicalities and peripherals may matter to you but it is often not at the forefront of your user’s decision making. The focus is on the end result and the value you are able to provide. Talk to them about the things that matter to them. Your product or service should emphasize on what it can do for them, not just on the features of the product. This will make them feel understood and valued, thus building goodwill.

Speak your customer's language (Infographic)

3. Give them personalized incentives

Everyone loves discounts and freebies. Your customers will appreciate an unexpected bonus or an add-on service. This tells your current customers that you value them and it is also a non-intrusive way to bring back customers who haven’t returned in a while. The key is to give them what they are likely to use. Your data will show what your customers have viewed and purchased. Use this information to personalize the kind of deal they are likely to prefer. This not only increases sales but also makes your customers feel appreciated and understood.

Give them personalized incentives (Infographic)

4. Make use of positive social proof

Social proof is an invaluable resource for companies today. It essentially goes by the belief that seeing other people endorse your brand will turn curious visitors into customers. You can use social media to have an active dialogue with your customers.

Feature testimonials prominently on your webpage as well as social channels. These testimonials can be from satisfied users, well-known brands, or even both. Testimonials from friends and family still top the list, with 83% of people saying they would consider such a recommendation prior to purchase. The more you show social proof, the more likely it is to create a positive impression in a visitor.

How to use of positive social proof (Infographic)

5. Surprise them every once in a while

Be proactive in adding value to your existing customers. By preempting their needs and providing for them, you are more likely to turn them into evangelists. See what value you can share to make your product or service more attractive to them. A minor upgrade or a free add-on might not take you much time to produce, but would be invaluable to a user. The goal is not just sales, but also customer retention and enhancing their already strong brand loyalty.

How to surprise your customers (Infographic)

These are a few things you can incorporate in your business to keep your customers coming back while keeping them happy and loyal. Some of these are very simple to put into action. Overall, it is most important to stay open to feedback and focus on data analytics. These two sources will provide a wealth of information to work with while utilizing and iterating the points mentioned above.

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