What is Web hosting? 

web hosting

21 May 2024, by

If you are starting to create a website, the term you have probably come across is Web hosting. In fact, in your online search, you’ve probably found a lot of related information, but it may seem complicated and filled with unfamiliar terms that may make it difficult for you.  

We have prepared this article for you to help you better understand what Web hosting is and to inform you about its types, so you can decide which one suits you best. 

What is Web hosting? 

Web hosting is the online space hosting service for a website on the World Wide Web.  Sites are “hosted” on servers, very powerful computers connected to the internet, to be technically functional, visible on the internet, and accessible.  These servers are ordinary machines located either on private premises or in large building infrastructures, known as data centers. 

So, every website you visit, every eShop you shop at, is being hosted. However, the type of hosting depends on the needs of each site. For example, the more traffic it has, the more resources it needs, and the larger the hosting plan. So let’s take a look at what types of hosting there are and what each one offers. 

Shared hosting 

This is the most popular option and covers small to bigger sites. Practically, shared hosting means that a site is hosted together with other sites on the same server. That is, they share the features and resources of the same machine.  

In shared hosting the provider is important to ensure zero influence from third-party sites hosted on the same server (account isolation). In Papaki’s Shared hosting plans, this is guaranteed! 

Semi-Dedicated hosting 

Like shared hosting, semi-dedicated hosting also hosts many sites on the same server. However, in the case of Semi-dedicated hosting, the server is shared among a smaller number of sites.  Thus, more resources are allocated per user, resulting in better performance of websites with higher traffic. In this article, you can see in detail what Semi dedicated hosting offers. 

Dedicated hosting 

Dedicated hosting is one of the most expensive options since it offers exclusivity. An entire server is dedicated to only one site. This fact ensures your site functionality, flexibility, unlimited server access, and full customization for extremely high resource and traffic demands. 

 VPS hosting 

reliable web hosting

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a flexible mechanism that involves a virtual private server divided into multiple “virtual” sections. By choosing VPS hosting, you share the same server. The difference is that within it, you have your own virtual space and can manage it independently. It’s like having a dedicated server and a shared server under the same “roof”, offering a balance of price and performance. 

Cloud hosting 

Cloud hosting shares your data across multiple “cloud” servers. So, this ensures that if one server experiences a problem, your site stays up, moving seamlessly to another server on the network. However, compared to cloud hosting, VPS hosting is a more affordable and flexible option. 

WordPress hosting 

If you are looking for what hosting is, you have surely come across the term WordPress hosting which is not a different kind of hosting, but it is just specially configured for blogs or sites created with the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world, WordPress 

Epilogue: How to choose hosting? 

Now, we hope you have better understood what Web hosting is and its types. As you can notice, each type of hosting has its advantages. To make the ideal choice for you, you need to consider the type of blog or site you have, the goals you have set in terms of traffic, your budget, and the technical knowledge required by the solution you choose.  

Whichever hosting solution you choose, working with a reliable provider can help you with all of the above and determine your success in the digital world. At Papaki, trusted for years by thousands of professionals for their digital presence, you’ll find top-notch services that will take your online performance to the next level! 

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